TIPS: Baby Carrier
When you only travel to one destination or by car, bringing a baby stroller is not really an issue. But when you are ‘on the go’, a...

TIPS: Baby Travel Tent
We really love our pop up baby tent. What a great invention! It is light, fairly small and super practical. In many places they can...

TIPS: Tieraps and Duct tape
With or without a kid, we always took tieraps (several sizes) and a roll of Duck tape when we travel. You can use them for so many...

TIPS: We love inflatables
We love inflatables. They are light and foldable. When we travel, we take a small inflatable baby bath. You fill it under a shower. Or...

TIPS: Foodstuff while travelling with a baby
Any baby needs mothers milk or a powdered substitute. When you travel, the most convenient ofcourse is when baby van drink from mummies...

TIPS: Less is more
Many times I see parents opening up their car booth and it is packed with stuff for their baby. a crib, a bed, a chair, toys, and much...