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TIPS: Less is more

Many times I see parents opening up their car booth and it is packed with stuff for their baby. a crib, a bed, a chair, toys, and much more. Try to take all that when you travel. You already have extra stuff for your baby to take. Travelling get very troublesome when you have to carry around too much stuff. And actually you don't really so much stuff. Less is more! Be creative when you are on the go. See the rest of the blog postings for our experiences and tips...

Let's go through some items:

Diapers they sell in all the countries we travelled to. So no need to stuff packs of them in your bag. Take only a small amount to get you through a couple of days. You will come across a supermarket where you can buy them.

Powder milk is sold in many places too. But it can be a little more hard to get the right brand. So if your really want a specific one, you'll have to bring it. We also took some. We split it up in portions and vacumized it in separated bags. Handy to pack and it stays nice and dry.

Baby food you can easy make yourself on the go. See a separate post for how we did this. But we found out that many restaurants or hotels are also prepared to make a baby meal. However you have to tell them not to use salt or sugar. And most supermarkets sell baby food in handy squish bags or pots.

See the rest of the posts for more of our experiences and tips!


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